Selasa, 17 Maret 2015

selling chicken eggs cemani

1 Egg = $30
2 Egg = $60
6 Egg = $180
12 Egg = $360

WA = +6285 2922 57503
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Mandatory in the Know Before raising to know the type of chicken coop

Raising chickens in addition to being a hobby of course can add pengasilan family. With proper care and adequate mastery of science will support our poultry production. As chicken farmers need to know the type of enclosure. By knowing the type of cages we will be able to determine or choose what type of chicken coop in accordance with the chicken coop and the location that we have. In general, a chicken coop for poultry consists of 2

Cage floor (litter)
Cage-type chicken coop floor (Liter) is applied to poultry which have terms to absorb water, dust, damp and often not kept clean. This type of chicken coop is very susceptible to disease transmission throughout the enclosure for easy mixing of feed and feces were bercecer on a pedestal. To maintain good growth in chickens, cages should be kept out of the aroma of ammonia in order not to decrease appetite in our pet chickens.

Stage cage cage
Cage-type chicken coop this stage better hygiene because the waste is able to fall to the ground and not mixed with the feed. And the use of chicken manure will also be easier, we just take chicken manure under a chicken coop and can be utilized for crop fertilizer. Nevertheless henhouse stage enclosure types can still cause injury due to contact with a wooden pedestal. To the stage enclosure can be optimized with the addition of the base consisting of the net and set up a way as possible in order to provide comfort to the chicken.

       Recognizes two types of chicken coop above we can make preparations before making the cage. Consideration the location and land area is very important in deciding the right type of chicken coop. Calculate the age of chicken, chicken type and number of farmed chickens will also part lest we miss in planning the manufacture of the chicken coop.

Want to get quality ornamental chicken, please contact us anytime at:

WA = +6285 2922 57503
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